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What We Do

Public Engagement and Education

At the Brandon Food Council, our workshops and events are designed to empower and inspire positive change within our community. Through these workshops, we're committed to building awareness, fostering creative thinking, and fostering partnerships that drive our vision of a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable food system forward.

Annual Event

The Brandon Food Council hosts an annual event with the aim of nurturing a strong and connected community around food security and sustainability. This event provides a pivotal platform for bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, community members, and experts in a shared space of dialogue and collaboration. By convening annually, we foster an environment of knowledge exchange, idea sharing, and collective action.

Food Rescue Grocery Store

Working with a national nonprofit, the Food Rescue Grocery Store rescues and redistributes food from across Canada in the Westman area through our retail store. The food is sold at a reduced rate and available to everyone. The organization also provides food for emergency food provision organizations throughout the region.

Everyone Eats Pay What You Can Meal Program

Ran from June 2020 to May 2022 in partnership with the John Howard Society of Brandon, Brandon University Food Services, and Prairie Oasis Seniors Centre. Meals were made 3 days per week and ordered with an anonymous open payment option. Free delivery was available if requested.

Our Vision

At the heart of the Brandon Food Council's vision lies a vibrant and resilient community where food nourishes not only our bodies but also our culture, environment, and social fabric. Our vision is aligned with the six themes of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, guiding us towards a future where our food system is sustainable, inclusive, and just. We believe that food security goes beyond availability; it encompasses respect for Indigenous foodways and the celebration of diverse food cultures that enrich our community. By prioritizing local, sustainable, and equitable practices, we envision a future where everyone has access to nutritious, safe, and culturally appropriate food. Our journey is a collective one, where partnerships, education, advocacy, and empowerment converge to create a holistic food landscape that nourishes our bodies, our culture, and our shared environment.

Food Governance

Food governance is the backbone of our commitment at the Brandon Food Council to shaping a sustainable and inclusive food system. Rooted in collaboration and collective decision-making, food governance encompasses the policies, practices, and structures that guide how our community interacts with food. Our approach emphasizes transparency, community engagement, and the integration of diverse perspectives to ensure that our food system reflects the needs and aspirations of all residents. By fostering effective food governance, we aim to create a resilient framework that nurtures equitable access to nutritious food, celebrates cultural diversity, and safeguards the well-being of our community. Through strategic partnerships, education, advocacy, and collaborative initiatives, we work towards a future where food governance supports a thriving and interconnected food ecosystem.

Sustainable Diets and Nutrition

We believe that food choices should not only nourish our bodies but also respect our environment, culture, and rights. Our approach to sustainability encompasses a holistic view, ensuring that the food we consume is healthy, safe, culturally appropriate, and environmentally friendly. By encouraging conscious consumption and celebrating local food traditions, we strive to foster a food culture that supports individual well-being while safeguarding the planet. Our commitment to rights-based nutrition underscores our dedication to ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to access nutritious and culturally significant food, regardless of their circumstances. Through education, advocacy, and collaborative initiatives, we are working towards a future where sustainable diets and nutrition are not only attainable but also a fundamental right for all members of our community.

Social and Economic Equity

We recognize that food security is intertwined with broader issues of inequality and poverty. Our commitment extends beyond providing access to food; we strive to address the root causes of inequity and poverty within our community. By championing initiatives that create fair opportunities, empower marginalized groups, and promote economic resilience, we work towards a future where everyone can enjoy the benefits of a nourishing and culturally rich food system. Our efforts are guided by the understanding that food security cannot be achieved without addressing the systemic challenges that perpetuate social and economic disparities. Through collaborative partnerships, advocacy, and community engagement, we are dedicated to building a foundation of equity that supports the well-being and dignity of all individuals in our community.

Food Production

The foundation of a resilient food system lies in sustainable food production. Our commitment extends to supporting local farmers, producers, and growers who play a vital role in nourishing our community. We recognize the importance of strengthening rural-urban linkages, where the collaboration between rural and urban areas fosters a dynamic food ecosystem. By championing sustainable farming practices, promoting local sourcing, and celebrating the expertise of our local food producers, we work towards a future where our food production is not only environmentally responsible but also a source of community pride. Through education, partnerships, and advocacy, we strive to bridge the gap between urban and rural, cultivating a strong and interconnected food landscape that benefits us all.

Food Supply and Distribution

We recognize that a resilient food system relies on the seamless movement of food into and within our community. By fostering partnerships with local businesses, farmers markets, and food vendors, we strive to create a supply chain that is not only continuous but also fair and inclusive. Our efforts extend to promoting sustainable transportation methods and reducing food waste, minimizing our environmental impact while meeting the needs of our community. With a focus on safety and quality, we are dedicated to establishing a food supply and distribution network that reflects our values of equity, sustainability, and community well-being. Through collaboration, innovation, and informed decision-making, we work towards a future where everyone has access to safe, nutritious, and culturally diverse food choices.

Food Waste

We are committed to reducing waste, managing resources efficiently, and promoting more sustainable practices that align with a circular economy approach. By collaborating with local businesses, educational institutions, and community members, we seek to address the critical issue of food waste at every level of our food system. Our initiatives aim to raise awareness about the environmental, economic, and social impacts of food waste while championing innovative solutions. Through education, advocacy, and practical strategies, we are actively working towards minimizing waste, optimizing resource use, and creating a food system that embodies responsible consumption and environmental stewardship. Together, we can pave the way for a future where food waste is minimized, resources are maximized, and sustainability is a guiding principle in every aspect of our community's food journey.

Indigenous Foodways

Indigenous foodways hold a sacred place within the vision of the Brandon Food Council. We deeply respect and celebrate the rich traditions, knowledge, and practices of Indigenous communities in our region. Guided by the wisdom of these ancestral food systems, we are committed to fostering an environment that not only honors Indigenous food culture but also supports its revival and preservation. By collaborating with Indigenous partners, learning from elders, and incorporating traditional foods into our initiatives, we strive to elevate the importance of Indigenous foodways as an integral part of our community's identity and well-being. Through this dedication, we work towards a future where Indigenous food traditions thrive, are passed on to future generations, and contribute to the resilience and diversity of our local food system.

Food Culture

We recognize that food is more than sustenance—it's a powerful expression of our shared heritage, values, and identity. By embracing diverse culinary traditions and celebrating the cultural significance of food, we aim to foster a community where every meal is a testament to our rich tapestry of backgrounds. Our initiatives are guided by the belief that promoting cultural food experiences not only nourishes our bodies but also strengthens our sense of belonging and connection. Through events, collaborations, and education, we are dedicated to nurturing a food culture that transcends borders, bridges generations, and unites us in a vibrant tapestry of flavors and stories. Together, we build a future where food culture is cherished, shared, and celebrated by all.

Grocery Shopping

"You might think to yourself, well can't everyone hop in their car and go grocery shopping? And of course that's not the case."

Dion Wiseman

Learn More


The Brandon Food Charter, established in 2014 by the City of Brandon's Poverty Committee, lays the foundation for our mission at the Brandon Food Council. Rooted in a vision of a resilient and inclusive food system, the charter emphasizes the importance of equitable access to nutritious food, community collaboration, and sustainable practices. This guiding document reflects our commitment to fostering partnerships, celebrating cultural diversity, and ensuring food security for all. The Brandon Food Charter serves as a compass, directing our efforts to create positive change within our community's food landscape, one that is built on shared values, collective action, and a brighter future for all.

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